Blood:Water Mission
Blood:Water Mission is an equipping agency that partners with African grassroots organizations to address the HIV/AIDS and water crises. We do this by identifying Africa’s hidden heroes and coming alongside their vision for change. Through technical, financial and organizational support, we expand the reach and effectiveness of African civil society organizations and the communities they serve.
Since our launch in 2004, Blood:Water has raised over $22 million through the creative efforts of tens of thousands of individuals seeking to make a difference. We believe that Africa holds the leadership, creativity, passion and resolve necessary to address the HIV/AIDS and water crises. That’s why we’ve spent the past ten years working alongside more than a dozen African organizations to bring clean water and HIV/AIDS support to nearly a million people in 11 countries.
But, it is a slowly by slowly, uneven kind of progress. While access to water has increased dramatically in the last decade and some places are seeing a reduction in new HIV infections, millions still need safe water and health and support services for HIV. The stakes are high, and lives are at risk – for women and children, mostly. We are morally implicated in this. It is personal for us, and we’re not backing down.
We know that the only way we can get to see the end of the HIV/AIDS and water crises in Africa is to continue to build the movement of families, universities, churches, businesses, artists, medical professionals, athletes and individuals like YOU to join us in the fight.
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